Hope and Lipsky warned that independent film today is increasingly aimed at older audiences, namely white women over the age of 45. He wants to counter the shift with his latest film, “Super” (which was just sold to IFC Films at the Toronto fest).
“How do we make sure we are not relegated to the land of dance and chamber orchestras?” asked Hope, “That’s where indie film is heading.”
...Where are the movies that connect sex, drugs, rock-n-roll, anger and rebellion? How come independent film has nothing that represents Public Enemy or The Clash?”Hell to the yes, it's about time someone pointed this out (not that there's anything wrong with white women over 45). You can read the whole recap here from Indiewire.
We've been told that TWM isn't a "real" indie film because it's genre. The project has been noted as "youthful" and "weird." We've even been advised to produce with an older age demographic in mind (because that's who is going to art houses these days). We appreciated these notes, thinking long and hard about them. In the end, that would be a movie none of us wants to make.
Move along people...We're making something fun, poignant and poppy. Thanks for the encouragement, Ted and Jeff.