
Moon in Theaters

We admit, it was a little disconcerting when we first heard the premise of the film Moon: Sam Rockwell plays an isolated pilot on the moon who encounters a clone of himself.

Kind of sounds similar to a certain project we've been working on, doesn't it? Then we saw it at Sundance and were struck by the deft direction of Duncan Jones and the ability to show this world on a $5 million budget. It's one of our favorite movies of the year. It's also completely different from Things We've Made, but inspiring nonetheless with how it was executed and Rockwell's tour-de-force performance. Moon launches with a limited U.S. release today.

Moon was also noted for being one of three productions at Sundance that dealt with themes of science. Click here to read the article, Sundance Boldly Welcomes Sci-Fi Flicks to Fest. Besides The Clone Returns to Home (yes, another clone movie), there was also Cold Souls which received a warm reception. Audiences usually associate science ficition in cinema with big budgets and lots of CGI, but these films show that creative thinking, lower budgets and in camera effects are proving it's more than possible to bring this to screen.