
Director Trevin Matcek Speaks at USC: Science in Film

Back in November, Trevin was asked to speak at his alma mater USC for students competing in a short film competition dealing with scientific themes. The students were tasked with explaining and illustrating a scientific concept, principle, or issue for a wide, non-expert audience. Though Trevin's most recent work has dealt with futuristic sci-fi, his stories are based on real concepts and research. Here, he talks about how to create a futuristic world on a low a budget as seen in LIFE BEGINS AT REWIREMENT and more.


OBLIVION in Theaters This Weekend

A movie I put six months of my life into comes out today. I worked on the previsualization team, helping director Joe Kosinski bring this futuristic world to screen. See it (in IMAX) if you can. Really proud of it. Big world, small story. Cold sci-fi that still has a pulse - and wears its heart on its sleeve...Trevin