
Lo-fi Sci-fi Digs LIFE BEGINS

We love that our projects allow us to connect with total strangers all over the world. A great blog called Lo-fi Sci-fi did a write-up on LIFE BEGINS earlier this year. After a little digging, we learned the site is from Jim Munroe, a Toronto-based sci-fi author, filmmaker and DIY evangelist. His No Media Kings blog is full of advice and inspiration on making your own content - from video games to movies to novels. We picked Jim's brain a little about our film:
How did you hear about Futurestates?
First through Eric Zimmerman, a game developer I know who has a short in the first series, and then via Matthew Meschery at Indiecade.

You mentioned LIFE BEGINS AT REWIREMENT was your favorite from Season 3 of Futurestates. Why?
 I liked that it was focused on an under-exposed time in life -- moving parents to an old-age home.

What was your favorite part of the film?
The moment when he goes back and realizes her favourite moment is with him as a child -- a moment he'd forgotten. It redeems both of these fairly unlikeable characters somehow.
Check out the trailer to Jim's film GHOSTS WITH SHIT JOBS:

Want to submit a video to Lo-fi Sci-fi? Go here.



Shut the front door, LIFE BEGINS is featured on one of our favorite sites in the world - io9!

Writer Lauren Davis gives us some love and acknowledges our amazing cast. Take a look here:

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